Friday, 18 October 2013

ENTRY #4 Baby Dumping Issues in Malaysia

Hi Everyone.

Today let's we discuss about baby dumping. As all known Malaysia, our country has become the most favorite spot for dumping babies. Baby dumping means that the acts of throw the babies at any places without take care the baby. This is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. The news is so horrifying such as body of baby found in dustbin, toilet, housing area, mosque and river. Issue of baby dumping in Malaysia taking serious among the community. Baby dumping was occurs everywhere without any sympathy. So sad, right ?

Today's society is often involved in social will contribute to the negative impact on the character of an individual, particularly regarding this popular issue. A saddening reality to note that as a self-proclaimed Islamic country, baby dumping incidents mostly involve is Malaysian Muslims okay. why why ? :'(

Well known Islam is a religion that emphasizes good moral values, kindness, sympathy and empathy among many other. Thus, it is of nonsensical mismatch for this inhumane social upset to mostly involve its believers especially with the embodiment of Islam in our laws and administration.

The increase in the number of abandoned baby cases has been acknowledged by the police. According to Bukit Aman CID Director Mohd Bakri Zinin (2010) there are 65 of baby dumping cases reported for this year alone. Mohd Bakri said statistics showed that from 2005 to 2010, 472 babies were abandoned throughout in Malaysia, of which 258 were dead and 214 were still alive. (The Star, August 19, 2010).

Based on the statistics above shows that Selangor is the state with highest number of Baby Dumping cases and the statistics from National Registration Department shows Selangor also the highest number registration of an illegitimate child. How come this case happen dearest ? 

One of the factor may be that leads to child dumping is teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is defined as teenage or underage girl becoming pregnant. The pregnancy might not happen only if studies were prioritized rather than having relationships with the opposite sex. No premarital sex, no early pregnancy. Worst thing about this is that it is the child that will suffer.

It is important for the teenagers to understand the consequences of free sex so that can prevent the unwanted pregnancy at young age. Besides that, the knowledge on sex education is important to ensure the teenagers have better understanding about their body. On the top of that, religious belief and practices also play a vital function most important thing. Every religion taught about dos and don'ts, "halal and haram", sin and reward as a Muslim and Non-Muslim must know about that, right?

Another prevention we can do is the parents are also must control and minimize their children's activities outdoor. Parents pay more attention on their children, give them update complete regularly religions their children education. Parents also must play high role to each their kids to become good in their behavior.

In order to prevent it, the government should come out with several policies and programmers for teenagers may be. Government  may incorporate sex education as part as approach to tackle baby dumping cases. The government also can promote Islam as a way of life especially to the Muslim youth.

End word of us, this cases causes abandonment by so many of factors have a distinctive approach to overcome if studied in a transparent manner. The problem will spread and become a thorn in the flesh if not addressed immediately as the country strive to achieve Vision 2020. They need cooperation of all parties is very important to curb this problem.

Individual, society and government must stand together to prevent this problem,  we don't  want more babies dying. Please everyone!

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