Friday, 18 October 2013

ENTRY #3 World Poverty

World poverty is rising today's unexpectedly. According to the United Nation survey, about 21000 people die every day because of hunger. Sadly, it is children who die most often :(. I see more suffering in kids, than adults and even if they are males. A strong economy in a developed country does not mean much when there is still a large percentage of the population is struggling to survive. There are many causes that lead to poverty such as wars, natural disaster, corruption and others.

The rise of daily needs prices have affected the poor peoples. There is plenty of food in the world for everyone. But the problem is that hungry people are trapped in extreme poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to provide energy themselves. One of the poor countries in the world is Africa. They are suffer from lack of food and clean water are also limited.

This poverty has made them weaker and often sick. This makes them unable to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier.  There as well frequently hit by drought and this cause they do not have sufficient water resources. It shows how difficult they are to survive there. 

They are also exposed to a variety of dangerous diseases such as AIDS, anemia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and much more. Not surprising when children were infected with such diseases because of poverty. What we know that children need food and cover fill with love but there is nothing for them.

To reduce poverty it is important that awareness programs taught in school. It helps to expose them on the importance of quality of life nowadays and then trying to improve their life in the future. Moreover, humanitarian aid must ensure that the people health are being monitored. The donation get can be used for building shelter, buying food as well as clothes and other essentials.

The following photos show the beauty behind the strong children, women and men that live in poverty and strive to continue in their life or even help their children.

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