Thursday, 24 October 2013

ENTRY #5 Culture Taboo

Hi Everyone

This entry we would like to discuss about taboo in our Malay community. Too many taboo that has been presented to us especially when we were children. As a child, I always wondered whether the prohibition is true or plot.  

Among the common taboo I have heard are as follows:
"do not changes a lot of places during eat, later you will married many times". The reason is the food was scattered, difficult to clean.

Second taboo, “do not sit on the pillow, lest infected boils around the anus”. It sounds very strange. But then I realize now, use pillows to lay the head, not the anus. So it is not polite to sit on it.

Ok .. There is also forbidden taboo that it sounds very prank. It sounds like this, “girls who are not married can not sing in the kitchen, as feared would be delayed marriage”. Perghhhhh … Very terrible and obsessive thought all girls kan? As a precaution, many girls afraid to sing in the kitchen. They decided to sing in the toilet, they bark with emotions and think of themselves is like Jaclyn Victor. I took a long time to find the answer. But on this day there may be truth to the assumption that I have derived from the bosom. From my opinion, when girls singing in the kitchen, there is a possibility they will be splashed saliva into the dish or food in the pot.

“Do not point finger towards the rainbow, the consequences of your finger will be crippled”. O Allah! I have heard horror. If I noticed about the existence of the rainbow, I will soon hide the finger into the pocket. But I think that the prohibition was made because our ancestors worried because rainbow appears indicating drizzle. So if we drabble rain, we’ll fever. Correct?

"Do not seeing your sweetheart 40 days before the Ijab Kabul". It's certainly not encouraged to see your future husband or wife within the 40 days before the Ijab Kabul (holy matrimony) is taking place. It's done so to avoid the future newlyweds from imputation of society as well as other bad things.

"Do not urinate on termite bunk, or your (male) penis might be swollen. The reason is first, it is impolite to wee-wee out of nowhere. Secondly, a bunk might be a resting place for supernatural spirits and it might curse anyone who mess up their place.

These are only few examples that we show to you. As you can see, all of those examples that we show you have one thing in common. They are used an indirect moral lesson to children so that the children will be well behaved and discipline. In Malay reference to our project in the future.

Monday, 21 October 2013

ENTRY #6 Chilhood life modern kids vs olden kids

 Hello viewers

This entry we would like to discuss about childhood
The most wonderful time for us was when we were in childhood. Did you guys miss your's childhood life??
Of course everyone had passed his childhood, did you remember your childhood memories??
there are sweet memories and bad memories and for sure the most memorable is our sweet memory.

When we remember childhood of course crossed in our minds playing and games. It is synonymous children and games. I remember when I was a child my friend and I used to play “masak-masak” (hahaha since we were girls) also we play “batu seremban”, "congkak", hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, stone skipping, sleeping wolf, rock-paper-scissors,"ceper" and many more.



                                                           Ting- ting

The point is, there is big different between our olden day childhood with the modern days children. During my time,we have been given a freedom, opportunities and time to explore in all sorts of ways, and also time to become bored and figure out how to overcome boredom, time to get into trouble and find our way out of it, time to daydream, time to immerse ourselves in hobbies, and time to read comics and whatever else we wanted to read rather than the books assigned to us. Compared with the moderns days children they were not been given a freedom, they have very limited space. Most of the parents nowadays even afraid to allowed their child play outside the house, As they rather bought their child a playstation, a video games and a nanosecond communication devices.

However we can't blame them, as the social condition itself have changed dramatically the world become a danger place for grew up. The parental fears of crime, bullying and road accidents involving children are the reason of many children to be confined to a life of indoor supervision and the adult also beliefs about children and child-rearing have changed over time, certain basic ideas continue to exert a powerful influence. As the result today generation becoming weaker, less muscular, anti-social and unable to do physical tasks they were copes by the technology. Plus we also can conclude that kids nowadays has very limited space compared with olden kids.

Friday, 18 October 2013

ENTRY #4 Baby Dumping Issues in Malaysia

Hi Everyone.

Today let's we discuss about baby dumping. As all known Malaysia, our country has become the most favorite spot for dumping babies. Baby dumping means that the acts of throw the babies at any places without take care the baby. This is a social crisis and has a chronic increase as many cases are occurring in Malaysian society. The news is so horrifying such as body of baby found in dustbin, toilet, housing area, mosque and river. Issue of baby dumping in Malaysia taking serious among the community. Baby dumping was occurs everywhere without any sympathy. So sad, right ?

Today's society is often involved in social will contribute to the negative impact on the character of an individual, particularly regarding this popular issue. A saddening reality to note that as a self-proclaimed Islamic country, baby dumping incidents mostly involve is Malaysian Muslims okay. why why ? :'(

Well known Islam is a religion that emphasizes good moral values, kindness, sympathy and empathy among many other. Thus, it is of nonsensical mismatch for this inhumane social upset to mostly involve its believers especially with the embodiment of Islam in our laws and administration.

The increase in the number of abandoned baby cases has been acknowledged by the police. According to Bukit Aman CID Director Mohd Bakri Zinin (2010) there are 65 of baby dumping cases reported for this year alone. Mohd Bakri said statistics showed that from 2005 to 2010, 472 babies were abandoned throughout in Malaysia, of which 258 were dead and 214 were still alive. (The Star, August 19, 2010).

Based on the statistics above shows that Selangor is the state with highest number of Baby Dumping cases and the statistics from National Registration Department shows Selangor also the highest number registration of an illegitimate child. How come this case happen dearest ? 

One of the factor may be that leads to child dumping is teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is defined as teenage or underage girl becoming pregnant. The pregnancy might not happen only if studies were prioritized rather than having relationships with the opposite sex. No premarital sex, no early pregnancy. Worst thing about this is that it is the child that will suffer.

It is important for the teenagers to understand the consequences of free sex so that can prevent the unwanted pregnancy at young age. Besides that, the knowledge on sex education is important to ensure the teenagers have better understanding about their body. On the top of that, religious belief and practices also play a vital function most important thing. Every religion taught about dos and don'ts, "halal and haram", sin and reward as a Muslim and Non-Muslim must know about that, right?

Another prevention we can do is the parents are also must control and minimize their children's activities outdoor. Parents pay more attention on their children, give them update complete regularly religions their children education. Parents also must play high role to each their kids to become good in their behavior.

In order to prevent it, the government should come out with several policies and programmers for teenagers may be. Government  may incorporate sex education as part as approach to tackle baby dumping cases. The government also can promote Islam as a way of life especially to the Muslim youth.

End word of us, this cases causes abandonment by so many of factors have a distinctive approach to overcome if studied in a transparent manner. The problem will spread and become a thorn in the flesh if not addressed immediately as the country strive to achieve Vision 2020. They need cooperation of all parties is very important to curb this problem.

Individual, society and government must stand together to prevent this problem,  we don't  want more babies dying. Please everyone!

ENTRY #3 World Poverty

World poverty is rising today's unexpectedly. According to the United Nation survey, about 21000 people die every day because of hunger. Sadly, it is children who die most often :(. I see more suffering in kids, than adults and even if they are males. A strong economy in a developed country does not mean much when there is still a large percentage of the population is struggling to survive. There are many causes that lead to poverty such as wars, natural disaster, corruption and others.

The rise of daily needs prices have affected the poor peoples. There is plenty of food in the world for everyone. But the problem is that hungry people are trapped in extreme poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to provide energy themselves. One of the poor countries in the world is Africa. They are suffer from lack of food and clean water are also limited.

This poverty has made them weaker and often sick. This makes them unable to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier.  There as well frequently hit by drought and this cause they do not have sufficient water resources. It shows how difficult they are to survive there. 

They are also exposed to a variety of dangerous diseases such as AIDS, anemia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, malaria and much more. Not surprising when children were infected with such diseases because of poverty. What we know that children need food and cover fill with love but there is nothing for them.

To reduce poverty it is important that awareness programs taught in school. It helps to expose them on the importance of quality of life nowadays and then trying to improve their life in the future. Moreover, humanitarian aid must ensure that the people health are being monitored. The donation get can be used for building shelter, buying food as well as clothes and other essentials.

The following photos show the beauty behind the strong children, women and men that live in poverty and strive to continue in their life or even help their children.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

ENTRY #2 ‘Impoliteness’ among youths..Let's discuss @.@

Impoliteness or more easy understood as rude behavior is a problem that frequently happens nowadays among youths. I believe that impoliteness has to be seen as negative attitude towards specific behaviors. This situation commonly associated with teenagers because they have a low level of patience rather than children and the elderly.

In my opinion, impolite speech acts, such as reproaching, threatening and insulting are performed by youths with the purpose of attacking or undermining someone else. There are several examples of impoliteness by people in daily life:
  • Murders, theft and drugs
  • Illegal racing
  • Failure to dress appropriately during occasion
  • Cutting in line
  • Snobbery
  • Yawning, burping, coughing or sneezing without covering mouth
  • Aggressive driving
  • Yelling to others
  • Scold someone in public
  • Disturbing others with noise or loud music

There are more other social problems which involved teenagers. There are some major factors contributing to these occurrences are bad parenting, peer influences, and technology.

Firstly, when we said about bad parenting, of course this all leads back to lazy parents. Family especially parents play an important role to make sure that their children did not involved in unhealthy activities. There are many teenagers who involved in serious problems lack of love and attention from their parents. Parents actually suppose to instill important values in their children lives. Usually, two working parents just cannot teach kids how to behave properly because they have lack of time to spend with their child. Then, they would growing up and show their improper behavior among neither families nor communities.

Secondly is peer influences among youths. For example like bullying cases at school or institutes. These behaviors tell us quite a bit about the person using those behaviors. If we do not respect ourselves, we cannot honestly respect others. If we treat others with disrespect, we are generally treating ourselves with the same disrespect. We cannot give something to others that we do not have in ourselves. Some of people take bullying others as fun. As well as watching others been bullied. This is actually one of the inappropriate actions among general people. Besides, a teenager love to take risk. In early adolescent years, youth are courageous and may have high risk behaviors. For them, the more challenging and risky the activities, the more excitement and satisfaction they get. So, we can assume that the teenagers who love to take risk are always influence by their friends. 

Thirdly, technology is also one of the factors contributing to these occurrences. For example, Cell phones and digital communication in general have completely changed the way people interact. Kids are so attached to their gadgets. Children devote an average of seven hours and 38 minutes to entertainment media each day and 66 percent of those kids own cell phones. The Internet and cell phones have let all impolite evils infiltrate the once polite and culture. Normally this behavior would carry away until they become teenager.

There are several statistics about social problems in Malaysia.

Crime index

Drinking index

From the factors we have discussed, we can conclude that the most important to reduce this problem is education. This is because perfect education will be able to prevent our young generations from being involved in impoliteness behavior as long as they can think wisely for the long term effects. Other than that, parents should identified their weakness and improved knowledge and skills on how to treat their children. They should monitor their children from useless or harmful activities. Parents should show their love to the children and develop them so that they can serve the country in future.

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

ENTRY #1 HyE ThErE ! DuLcE AmIgo HeRe ;-)


In the year of 1992, on 29th of October, my mother gave born to me and my parents gave the name Nur Liyana Binti Mior Rahim. I was the first child of their marriage. My father, Mior Rahim Bin Alias, is working as one of administration assistant while my mother, Rosnani Binti Mohd Saot is a clerk. After I was born, 4 years later, my mother brought life to another one children, who are how my siblings, making the family number increase to four people all together. Since I am the eldest child in the family, I hold a very big responsibility, especially when my parents had to leave us at home. I have to take care of my little brother, I have to be ensured that they are safe under my care and I have to provide the best need for him. I believe this responsibility that I had received as the first education in my life had affected me so much. I have turned out to be more affectionate, more emphatic and try my best to understand the other's feelings, make a good interaction and relation with people around me and be more frank and forthright whenever I encounter with family and friends. Therefore, I have more respect to others and more conscientious to the responsibility that had been given to me.

I have been living in Selangor and studying in Melaka at UniKL MICET to pursue my study until complete my degree. Hopefully I will be able to finish off with some great grades and then I plan to study abroad.

I have got big dreams, when it comes to studies. Since I was 6 years old, I decided to be a doctor. So that is my goal and I always try to aim to do my best at school, so hopefully my hard work will pay off in the end. I don't really know why I decided to be a doctor. But now, I continue my studies in Engineering field. I need to study hard and be more mature. I hope that my life will be better, and I hope that my stay in Melaka will be rewarding experience with no trouble. Finally, I hope all my dreams will come true and I will be very happy if I succeed in my studies and in my life. 

Sometimes, I'm a lazy person like other teenagers, but I'm still responsible when it comes to my work.

I'm an easy-going person, but I'm not going to tell you that I'm perfect after all. Some interests I have got are reading books, baking and praying. I love to read books, because books can always be true friends. They never demand neither do they complain. This is the way I look upon books. Mostly I read novels. Currently I am reading a novel called " Anthem by Hlovate".

Baking has been a huge interest of mine. My mom's a great bake - especially in Traditional Cake. I think I have got it from her. From my point of view, having learned how to bake, makes a person life much easier. Bake also can reduce my stress.

Then last but not least I love praying. I pray as much as I can. Being Muslim and not praying, just doesn't go together, so that is why I pray. I also feel that whenever I pray, it helps me getting forward and achieving more and more. Those are some of the many things about me and facts about me from my personal point of view.


HI BABE ;-) 

Hi everyone! my name is NORIZA BINTI IDRIS, just a simple and easy name to remember right :) ?...Or else, you can call me as NOR, NORIZ or IYZA...I am a native of Malacca and was born on 29 MARCH 1990... I just have a small and happy family...My late father had passed away over than 10 years ago when I was 12 years old... While my mother, Husina Binti Mohamed was a single mother who persevere and now she was 67 years old... Our family was become cheerful with the presence of my brother and sister...

Redang's Island <3

Actually, I am a person who loves vacations... A leisure travel could make me feel more relaxed with interesting scenery... Although I  like to travel but so far I just travel within the country and not have the opportunity to travel abroad... I hope that one day I can afford to travel overseas...

I honestly do not like to read but I love to see and observed my surroundings...During weekends I always hang out with friends enjoy our Secret Recipe or 'Ayam Penyet'...'Ayam Penyet' is one of my favorite food because it has a very tasty 'sambal belacan'...yummy !

Secret Recipe <3

Ayam Penyet <3

Last but not least, I would like to share my family photo here... The picture below was taken at my home during Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2012... We  already choose grey color as our themes clothes because it is one of the color that i liked as well... I think so far I could simply share about myself and I hope that everyone enjoy read this entry... See you again ;) !!!

My Family <3



Hye assalamualaikum viewers,

First let me introduce myself, my name is Nurezzaty syafiqa bt mohd kamarudin.You can call me zatiey, fiqa and sometimes people do call me Pika-chu grrrr …..but never mind I’m fine with it…anyways I am Malacca resident….. I was born on 12th august 1992 and right now I’m 21st. I grew up in small and simple family but full of honesty and happiness. My father Mohd kamarudin bin Kasim work as an Educational Technology Officer while my mother Zarinah bt Hasan was a full-time housewife.

mom & dad

I have 5 siblings  and I am the eldest, I have two younger brothers and two younger sisters.

Since I’m the eldest I should be responsible for my family and I have to become strong, so that can be a good example for them. Futhermore I am currently an undergraduate student of a Chemical Engineer, majoring in Bioprocess at unikl micet. At first I have no interest at all in engineering field but right now I really passionate in this field especially in bioprocess. Bioprocess is a very wide and interesting field even our country also one of the country that start to use and growing in biotechnology field. Our country needs technologist to grow and to compete with others country. I hope one fine day I will become part of biotech technologist team. I will dedicate with my work and serve to the country. 
That's a little bit description about me.



Hi everyone! My name is NUUR ATHIRAH ADANI KAMARULZAMAN. You can call me as TRAH or ADANI... I from Rembau, Negeri Sembilan and was born on 19 FEB 1992. I grew up in small and happy family.. My father, Kamarulzaman bin noordin work as a teacher at SMK Undang Rembau . While my mother, Malaysiawati binti Asha'ari also work as a teacher at SMK Dato Undang Haji Adnan. I have 5 siblings and i am the second child in my family. I have two brothers and two sisters.

my big family

Now, i am currently an undergraduate student of a Chemical Engineering, majoring in Bioprocess at UniKL MICET. My favourite subject are biology, chemistry and mathematics. That why i choose chemical engineering in bioprocess. Hopefully I will be able to finish up my studies with flying colors.